How to Be an Agile Health Plan: The Wedge Strategy

Focusing on critical and complex care with a member-centric and tech-empowered solution

Overall healthcare expenditures are expected to grow by 5.5% annually throughout the next decade and will make up almost 20% of the U.S. economy by 2027, according to a report from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

As healthcare costs in the United States continue to rise at an alarming rate, payers must find a way to slow the increasing cost curve and retain their customers. One way that has proven effective is investing into technology designed to manage complex and critical care.

Some innovative organizations are focusing on their critical and complex member populations by implementing a “wedge strategy” to better manage healthcare expenditures by utilizing a technology-enabled, member-centered solution. This strategy and solution equips care managers with a full member view, so organizations can carve out the small, costly portion of their overall population and surround them with a comprehensive ecosystem of care.

Download our white paper to learn how payers can rise above their legacy environments and leverage the right tools to drive significant cost savings as populations continue to grow in the number of complex care members.

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